Grand Theft Auto 5

Rockstar Games Logogta 5 logo

Rockstar games has done it once again, by driving the gaming world crazy. It has been a little over five years since the release of a new grand theft auto game. In a little more than two months, GTA 5 will be released for the world to play. How does Rockstar do it ? Well, over the years Rockstar has made some brilliant games. Ever since the release of Grand Theft Auto 3 back in 2001, Rockstar has revolutionized the way we look at and play games forever. Since then they have released three more entries into the GTA franchise and each of them were major hits. What makes this one different ? A lot, Rockstar has put a lot of time and effort into creating this “soon to be” masterpiece. GTA 5 was originally set to be released in April this year, but Rockstar felt that they wanted to improve the game even further so they pushed the release date back to mid September. Rockstar games never disappoints the gaming world, and I highly predict that GTA 5 is going to over exceed its expectations upon release this fall. See you September 17th !

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